TECH for Attorneys

The American Bar Association recently amended Model Rule 1.1 to require that lawyers stay abreast of technological changes.  Click here (PDF) to see all of the amendments added to all of the model rules at this year's annual meeting. A key phrase in the rule is ... 'To maintain the requisite knowledge and skill, a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology,'....  

Yes indeed - we will be discussing "relevant technology" for a long time to come, but meanwhile... 

For a complete and thorough glossary of all IT terms you could ever need to know, consult the Gartner IT Glossary.


I have started publishing snippets about technology that I believe are relevant to legal practice.  These are being published in The Legal Administrator Daily, and extracted to this blog post as they are published.  To wit - here is what we have so far:

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